
2023年6月24日—FirstIthoughthardwareissue.WhenIclicktheleftmousebuttonitdoesn'twork.Ipressit5-10timesthenitmayrespondonce.,2023年6月27日—1)GotoStart>Settings>Devices>Mouse>RelatedSettings>AdditionalMouseOptions.TheMousePropertieswindowwillpopup.Atthe ...,2023年7月12日—Thefirststeptofixinganunresponsivewirelessmouseischeckingyourinternetconnection,theUSBport,andthebatteries.Then,c...

Left mouse button not working right

2023年6月24日 — First I thought hardware issue. When I click the left mouse button it doesn't work. I press it 5-10 times then it may respond once.

How can you fix a left mouse button not working?

2023年6月27日 — 1) Go to Start > Settings > Devices > Mouse > Related Settings > Additional Mouse Options. The Mouse Properties window will pop up. At the ...

Mouse Left Click Isn't Working

2023年7月12日 — The first step to fixing an unresponsive wireless mouse is checking your internet connection, the USB port, and the batteries. Then, check for ...

Mouse Left

2019年8月8日 — On both Windows 10 and 7, head to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse. Ensure the Turn on ClickLock option is unchecked here.

How to Fix the Left Click Mouse Button Not Working on ...

Go to Settings > Apps. Delete any apps that you've recently installed, any apps that have recently received automatic updates, and any apps you no longer use.

My Windows left mouse doesn't click unless I press hard. ...

2023年5月23日 — Here's how to fix Mouse Left Click Not Working Properly. If your problem is still not resolved, chances are that you need to replace your mouse.

Why is my left mouse button not working?

2023年5月12日 — Go to mouse settings in the control panel, go to the test tab and then try this: Rock your finger around on the button with it depressed ...

How do I fix my mouse left click button?

2023年7月27日 — There are 2 options if the button itself is not toast.. Take it apart, clean it, put it back together, see if it works. Buy a new mouse.